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Meeting Intelligence Platform for smarter meetings within teams

With Fruitful, you waste 25% less time in meetings. For increased productivity, more engagement, and a fruitful meeting culture within your organization.

Never a dull meeting

Meetings are often seen as time-consuming, boring, and inefficient. Sounds familiar?

Fruitful transforms your meetings, ensuring that the right people have the right conversations about the right goals.


We turn every Meeting into a Fruitful Meeting.



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Get the job done

Define clear objectives and agenda items and make effective decisions. Create to-dos and action items and send automatically generated minutes to all participants.

Give everyone a voice

Ensure everyone is heard, provides input, and is engaged in the conversation. Create an inclusive meeting culture in which everyone has a voice.

Establish a Fruitful meeting culture

Gather valuable feedback and enhance meeting quality to increase the Meeting Net Promotor Score (mNPS). Foster employee satisfaction, engagement and vitality within your organization.


‘’It’s good to become more aware of your existing meeting culture and learn how to make it more efficient.
We received useful tools and practical tips that we will apply in practice, immediately. Highly recommended!’’

Vivian Gooren

Country Director Belgium - Skillstown

Why ambitious teams meet with Fruitful

Host better meetings

Organize the best team meetings with Fruitful. Achieve your meeting goals, ensure concrete outcomes, enhance the vitality of your meetings, and make sure everyone is included.

Achieve maximum results

Effortlessly reach your team goals with smart meetings. With clear agendas and effective meeting structures, everyone stays focused on the same mission. Achieve measurable results and boost your team's performance.

Improve team dynamics

Increase interaction and collaboration within your team. We ensure everyone has a voice and actively participates, creating space for ideas and innovation while making decisions together.

Gain valuable insights

Effortlessly gather feedback and data to improve the quality of your team meetings. Gain insight into team dynamics and engagement, and implement adjustments for the most fruitful meeting culture.


Fruitful ensures that the right people have the right conversations about the right goals.


Mo Kalawa
Agile Lead Volkswagen Financial Services
"We improved our meetings on behalf of our people and engaged them to value their time."
Jörg Meier
Head of Digital Engineering - Vodafone GmbH
"I love data-driven decisions. This gives power to your people and provides the data to improve or kill your meeting."
Pelle Boese
CTO Cannavigia 
"We have been able to raise the awareness and restructure our meeting cadence for good."

How to get a Fruitful Meeting Culture within your teams

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